1947, age 65

This is a view of the town of Paolisi, where Papa Nonnon was born.
It is in the Province of Benevento, in the Region of Campagnia

He came to the United States on the ship, CRETIC, from the port of Naples, Italy.

He arrived at Ellis Island on March 3, 1907. He was 25 years of age.

Here is a picture of the CRETIC:

The ship was built in Newcastle, England in 1902. Length: 601' Width" 60'.
It had steam engines, and cruised at 16 knots. Carried 1510 passengers.
It was sold several times and had different names. It was scrapped in 1929.

Here is a photo of a part of a page of the ships manifest. It becomes blurred when enlarged, so beneath the picture is the info for Giovanni. His info is on line #3.

3. (name) Bove,Giovanni. (age)25, Single, (town of residence) Paolisi. (destination) Burlington, VT.. (visiting who?) brother, Luigi. (where?) 46 S Battery St.. (health) good. (have $50 or more?) no. (have ticket to final destination?) no. (height) 5'4". (in USA previously?) yes, 1901-1905.

Interesting note:
He says he was in USA in 1901-05.
He returned in 1907 to visit his brother, Luigi.
Luigi arrived in 1910, to visit his brother, Giovanni.
The manifest states he was never in the USA before.
I cannot find record of either brother arriving prior to 1907.
Both stated going to 46 Battery St.; so there was a connection to that address prior to 1907.
Either Giovanni was not in the USA in 1901 and said he was; or Luigi was and said he wasn't.

I can find no record(Ellis Island) of the other two brothers, Genaro and Ralph.